This guide will cover the process of getting your Student’s School Device ready to print at home. Please note, you will only be able to print to cloud print-capable printers. Consult your printer
manual to find out if yours is.
Home Network Basics for Families
1. Connect your Chromebook to the Wi-Fi.
2. Restart the Chromebook.
3. Log in to the Chromebook with your child's classroom account.
4. On the bottom right site click on the battery power symbol.
5. Click the setting cog.
6. In the search bar in the top middle type “Printer.”
7. Select Printers from the list of options.
8. On the right-hand side click the + button.
9. Name the printer.
Note: this will not change the name of the printer for any devices with it already installed. We recommend naming the printer Student’s last name + Model, or House Number +
Model. (Example: SmithCanon, or 1234Canon)
10. Find your printer's IP address.
A. You may need to consult your printer’s manual for help finding the IP address.
11. Click Add.
12. Press the ctrl + P keys at the same time.
13. Change the destination to the name of the printer you just added.
Note: You may need to click “See More” to get the new printer to appear
14. Click print.