Great Hearts Online is a full-time School@Home, offering a robust classical curriculum with dedicated, top-caliber faculty. Great Hearts Online offers two educational models for scholars.
Teacher-Led Live Instruction Model
- Best for: Families who value learning in community, interactive instructional time, live discussions, and classroom engagement, and/or want a more traditional classroom experience virtually.
- Instruction: Teacher-led, live virtual classes Monday through Thursday with consistent faculty and classmates.
- Independent Assignments: Daily independent assignments are completed in the afternoons and on Fridays.
- Attendance Tracking: Attend live classes Mon - Thurs and submit independent assignments on-time, Monday - Friday. Additional attendance verification may be requested depending on each state’s Department of Education attendance requirements.
Flexible Week Model
- Best for: Families who value flexibility over live instruction and are able to dedicate significant time to supporting their children’s education.
- Instruction: Teacher-led instructional recordings of live classes, posted Monday - Thursday.
- Independent Assignments: Scholars will have flexibility to complete assignments within the day and week, with all assignments due the following Monday.
- Attendance Tracking: Differs based on each state’s Department of Education attendance requirements.
Important Notes for all Great Hearts Online Scholars
- Teacher work hours are Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
- Highly trained, passionate teachers provide feedback and grading on assignments and academic progress.
- All K-2 scholars will participate in live virtual reading groups.
- All scholars will have access to live tutoring, office hours, and special education/exceptional student support services as needed.
- All scholars are welcome to participate in virtual and in-person clubs, athletics, field trips and community events.
- Scholars may only shift from one path to another (Teacher-Led Live Instruction to Flexible Week, or vice versa) at the end of the quarter.